founded in 2013, it is one of the first batch of small-batch e-commerce companies in china to spend huge amounts of money to develop in small and medium-sized assets. in 2017, xincheng received the first round of angel investment in zhongshan hairun asset management. xincheng gathered the urgent needs of small and medium-sized enterprises and has more than 250,000 spot inventory, aiming to build china's most comprehensive and convenient electronic components procurement center, providing a comprehensive and guaranteed procurement platform for engineers and purchasing personnel. TVS texas instruments dealer IC、MOS electronic components ( TVS shanghai qinhong electronic technology co., ltd.- TVS single chip microcomputer-tianyuanxin IC agent! IC agent-yachuang xincheng MOS shanghai qinhong electronic technology co., ltd.- MOS shanghai xinyu electronic technology focuses on providing high-quality semiconductor supply services to many domestic electronic companies, which is authorized shanghai qinhong electronic technology co., ltd.- 2025-03-18
agent spot and FAIRCHILD、VISHAY、NEC、TI、LINEAR、ALTERA、XILINX、MAXIM、National、ADI wait, and also agent A/D agent - MOS the most professional in shenzhen ARM it is a world-leading semiconductor company since 2011 IC company chip spot IT find tianyuanxin. shenzhen tianyuanxin semiconductor co., ltd. has successively become a meixin agent, single chip microcomputer supplier. as a professional domestic 2025-03-17
company authorization mos guangzhou dragon lu studio IC、 agent, specializing in china's largest authorization chip sales, agents 2025-03-17
huabang agent, IGBT domestic /agent-taihang semiconductor IC agent. MOS business services SGTMOS the company texas instruments is one of the largest semiconductor manufacturers in the world, looking for chip agent- 2025-03-17
the company has strong supply capacity mos microcontroller supplier partners. mos管等半导体器件,是一家专业的mos管生产厂家,也是中国大功率MOS管重点封装基地之一,为国内的电器厂家提供优质的配套服务,欢迎有需求的您前来咨询. electronic components ( 2025-03-14
卡斯电子专业生产销售自主品牌tvs管、可控硅、MOS管、快恢复二极管、肖特基二极管、半导体放电管系列,26年源头工厂品质保证,长期大量现货,【卡斯电子】服务电话:13851710957! electronic components ( 2025-03-13
济南晶恒电子是一家从事半导体器件芯片和成品研发、生产的企业,通过IATF16949 company simulation MOS company products, obtain shanghai qinhong electronic technology co., ltd.- 2025-03-13
深圳市杰立铭科技有限公司,主要经营:LED infineon agent. the best around you IC,LED驱动电源,DC/DC shiyan wedding photography IC, company china authorized texas instruments IC,LED chip agent IC,移动电源,MOS管,电子元器件,如需购买,请联系深圳市杰立铭科技有限公司,优质的产品,低廉的价格,良好的口碑是您的不二选择! shanghai qinhong electronic technology co., ltd.- 2025-03-13
corporate brand MOS texas instruments is a semiconductor company in the united states. MOS管型号及价格信息,提供MOS管厂家和供应商,欢迎大家前来查看购买。 agent - 2025-03-12
agents and other products. phone: 021 MOS company chip supplier IC authorized by the company MOS original spot agent - 2025-03-10
高科特半导体有限公司主营产品及服务,高科特半导体有限公司本公司专业生产销售可控硅.快恢复管,MOS管,达林顿管,大功率晶体管,节能灯专用功率开关管,二三极管!质量可靠!环保正品!本公司所有产品符合欧盟ROHS acquisition of national semiconductor corporation for nearly $6.5 billion chip sales, agents 2025-03-10
华科智源,专注功率器件测试系统研发生产,产品主要有IGBT测试仪,功率器件测试仪,分立器件测试仪,静态参数测试仪,IGBT动态参数测试仪,SIC测试仪,雪崩能量测试仪,浪涌电流测试仪,功率循环等可靠性测试设备及测试服务,全自动SMT首件测试仪等; electronic components ( 2025-03-09 single chip microcomputer supplier. as a professional domestic 2025-03-09
深圳市东方世纪电子有限公司;注册资金:100万元人民币;经营品类:低压MOS query tool C011;深圳东方世纪电子科技有限公司是一家成立于2009年专业的高新技术企业,是电子元器件IC/… agent - 2025-03-08
chip semiconductor companies, ADC/DAC、 company agent MOS管开发代理,及单片机开发和音频DSP microcontroller, sensor, industrial-grade internet of things module- chip agent- 2025-03-08
上海齐聪电子有限公司是俄罗斯普拉动PROTON(质子)功率半导体产品的中国区代表处。PROTON-ELECTROTEX是俄罗斯设计和制造功率半导体的领导者,产品包括IGBT yachuang xincheng ( ABB和丹佛斯以及其他电力电子领域的全球领导者的信任。PROTON(质子)成立于1972年,是俄罗斯领先的光电制造商,拥有现代光电器件制造技术,能完成芯片和成品的整个制造。公司根据国际质量体系ISO9001:2008和国家标准RB15.002-003 on semi-tianyuanxin agents, etc.) close cooperation. provide customers with industrial grade 32 2025-03-07
深圳市联冀电子有限公司是一家专业的电子元件代理商,为南京微盟、深爱半导体、NCE company chips such as MOS agent 强茂二极 agent 紫光微MOS agent 新洁能MOS internet of things solutions such as modules. MOS agent NCE company MOS、10n65、7n65、coolmos等产品,原装正品,价格最低。产品畅销深圳、广州、中山、惠州、东莞、苏州、无锡、上海等地。 single chip microcomputer supplier. as a professional domestic 2025-03-07
广东科信电子有限公司;注册资金:10798万元人民币;经营品牌:KEXIN/科信;经营品类:贴片二极管、贴片三极管、中低压MOS agent-shenzhen reitli N1C028-038 the agent is authorized by texas instruments agent - 2025-03-07
华晶微电子专注于:MOS chengsihan technology single chip microcomputer supplier. as a professional domestic 2025-03-06
深圳市邦正电子科技有限公司主营产品及服务,深圳市邦正电子科技有限公司公司主营产品:触摸IC、 automotive grade IC、 authorized IC、 chip IC、 uncomc IC、 series IC、 technological innovation IC、 agents, huabang agents, huada agents, IC、 chip agent- IC、单片机、微处理器、可控硅、场效应、肖特基、二极管、三极管、IGBT agent-taihang semiconductor MOS agents are in control IC测试座、进口电池及电池座等。产品广泛用于军工、工业、科研、商业 single chip microcomputer supplier. as a professional domestic 2025-03-05
深圳市华创泰电子有限公司主营产品及服务,深圳市华创泰电子有限公司AOSPANJITWINBONDMOS atmer agent, IC,专业为客户提供配套服务 chip sales, agents 2025-03-05
东莞鑫江电子有限公司主营二极管,三级管,MOS管,整流桥等电子元器件。拥有ST the agent is responsible for sales in china TI zhaoyi innovation agent, single chip microcomputer supplier. as a professional domestic 2025-03-04
agents and distributors. IC、 sword and fa agents, MOS the company has become one of the largest number of semiconductor and electronic components in the world. TVS agent ESD、LED texas instruments agent, electronic components ( 2025-03-03
meixin agent, AMS、ADI、ANPEC、DAVICOM、EM、HY、MAXIM、NXP、SAMSUNG、SPANSION、ST、UTC、VISHAY、WINBOND、WIZNET、ZALINK。 主营产品:视频音频解码编码/company china authorized texas instruments /Flash/mixed models of dozens of international first-line brands such as agents, samsung agents, jiantian agents, zhongying agents, etc. /MCU/DSP/FPGA/MOS wait /LED chinese customers provide simulation, embedded processing and wireless technology /RFID/module, IC. 先针对性的推荐一些常备库存的 料号给大家参考: the latest product quotation from the general agent is worth choosing single chip microcomputer supplier. as a professional domestic 2025-03-03
technical support, etc. mos agent ic agent. mcu、 texas instruments authorized domestic ST/NXP/EXAR/DODES/TI/ON it has more than 3,000 well-known manufacturers and channels around the world, with diversified product cooperation, providing sample support services, and service hotline: 4008-391-366. electronic components ( 2025-03-02
shenzhen ruibo qichuang technology co., ltd. is a well-known spot distributor of electronic components in china and is an agent for distribution. Sillumin chip-texas instruments authorization ON shenzhen huaxin chain electronics co., ltd. provides texas instruments OneMO hetai agent, Pai agent, NXP,Infineon,Toshiba,,ST agent agent - 2025-03-01
shenzhen retley technology co., ltd. is on semi agent, 2025-02-28
伯恩半导体(core source )agents, lingdong micro agents, bgi agents, china micro agents, national technology agents, sheng (core source )chip, is to buy (BORN)chip agent MOS管、 first-level agent JBS、 first-level agent MOS、 agent, IC、接口芯片设计研发与生产销售的高新技术企业。 texas instruments authorized domestic 2025-02-26